Today on Microdosing our prompt is GHOSTWRITER!
Write a story in 100 words!
Don’t forget to tag me if you follow along with the challenge!
Dozens of crumpled paper balls covered the exquisite carpet in my room at the Ritz. The frustration built up in me as the inspiration elluded me.
After several hours of trying, I gave up and found refuge in the Hemingway bar.
One too many Daiquiris later, my room welcomed me with the well known scratching of pen against paper.
My hazey mind couldn't fully process the lone pen dancing over my notes. I stummbled over, confusion rising as I watched the pen write:
"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. Good luck."
The actor stood on stage, his mind racing with anticipation. He had rehearsed his lines tirelessly, determined to nail the audition. As the director called "Action!" the actor confidently began, "I am the GHOSTRIDER!" The room fell silent. Confusion washed over the actor's face as he realized his mistake. The director, stifling a laugh, corrected him, "It's GHOSTWRITER, not GHOSTRIDER." Embarrassed, the actor tried to recover, but his confidence was shattered. He left the audition, his dreams of playing a motorcycle-riding, flame-headed vigilante dashed. Little did he know, his unique interpretation had caught the director's eye. A new opportunity awaited.
Omg, I would die if Hemingway’s ghost visited me😵