Our prompt for today is Soup! (shout out
for the inspiration)Write a story in 70 words!
To join in on the challenge, leave a comment, tag me on notes or restack the story with your own!
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When the frost eats at your fingers, the ice wind bites at your face, you come home, and Mama’s soup warms you up again.
When relationships get cold, love freezes over, and icicles pierce your heart, you come home and let Mama’s soup do its work.
When I’m gone, life might feel bleak, and our home might be an icebox; you’ll need this recipe and the warmth my soup brings.
The Fiction Dealer crossed 1000 subscribers yesterday 🥳 Thank you so much for the support, for joining in on Microdosing, and for reading my stuff. Thank you for being a part of a dream little Miguel once had.
I promise to continue delivering a high quality fiction product. I’m off to celebrate a bit.
~Miguel 🦝
Enjoying Microdosing? Support The Fiction Dealer! With a coffee or a paid sub! Or buy my book it offers 100 stories with prompts like this!
Many thanks to Miguel for inviting us to his dinner table as creative guests!
The Soup Of The Day
The argument was settled and apologies were given by the Inns cook.
A magnificent bowl of beef barley soup was set down before him. The best he had ever tasted! So thick and satisfying yet a distinct flavor he couldn’t place. The bread was still warm with fresh churned butter, a delight. So filling…yet the scent of almonds strangely enough?
Her smirk was the last thing he would ever see.
Oh, Miguel! You've turned me evil 😎
70 mg of Soup
Brenda was exhausted from arguing with Stu and his lazy ass. He never left the couch anymore. Totally useless. A large pot of soup is always perfect on a cold blustery day. Brenda meticulously chopped vegetables, still stewing over their stupid argument. This one was more heated than typical. While the soup simmered, she realized there wasn’t meat to add. He would be tough but small enough bits would work.