Our spooktober prompt for today is SPECTER!
🎃 Write a story in 70 words! 🎃
Bonus points if the story will have macabre vibes!
Don’t forget to tag me if you follow along with the challenge.
First dates made Paul's stomach tie into a knot. What'll we talk about? What if I embarrass myself? These thoughts raced through Paul's mind as he sat on the cold stone of Julia's gravestone.
He lit the candles and cleared his throat before setting down the Ouija board. With sweating palms, he began his dating process.
Dating as a spectrophile, he was often ghosted. But tonight, for once, felt promising.
In the day, Clark was a silver-tongued rascal. Now he was a silver-haired widower. At the nursing home speed dating event, his beloved bride gone for a year, he summoned the ghost of his long-dormant skills.
“Are you sitting next to a mirror, because I can see myself by your side.”
This evoked a wide, dentured smile
Clark felt the specter of his younger self rattling free from its chains.
I really liked that one!! It was so cute.
Here's mine:
The hooman was cold. It had stopped moving for days. My belly ached, hunger clawed at me. I signed, went to the attic, and dug out an old Ouija board. I blew off the dust, rubbed my paws together, and purred. I went to get my sibling. Together we joined paws. The board trembled. “Come back, hooman,” we whispered. The board moved. The room chilled, and our dishes were filled.