Microdosing Fiction - 90mg of Summer
Write 90 words based on the word: Summer
Our prompt for today is SUMMER
Write a story in 90 words!
To join in on the challenge, leave a comment or restack the story with your own!
To: Summer
From: Vigorous Winter Hater
Hey, Summer,
I miss you, and your sister sucks. The dark days suffocate me, the frost eats away at my soul. Every day is dark and cold like a river stone.
I miss your embrace; the long days, the warm nights. I miss sleeping with my window open. I miss shorts—oh my god shorts. I miss cold drinks and BBQ.
Please come soon, drive away the Winter’s gloom out of our life.
Please Summer, I miss you.
—with love V.W.H
Oh this is a fun prompt! I hope you don't mind, but I copied your version...
Dearest V.W.H.,
I'm sorry you don't appreciate my sister, but she is necessary.
Many seeds need a spell of darkness and cold to germinate: Without Winter, you would miss artichokes, calming camomile, heather, lavender... no hops for beer, no milkweed for migrating monarchs.
No sweet maple syrup without a Winter's sleep for the trees.
The ticks, mosquitoes, and biting flies would flourish if I stayed forever.
If you insist on seeing me all year 'round, you could move to Florida... but beware the pythons!
See you soon!
Dang, it, I accidentally used 100 words! I just edited out 10 words... all done!
Summer of 1972
Sweet sixteen and she had a steady boyfriend with a car.
Jane's expectations of this first summer out of school were of going to as many of these up and coming festivals as they could together; music, drugs, drink, new experiences, new ideas, new places.
Unfortunately, the problem with dating an older guy – he was twenty – meant he only got the factory shut down fortnight which didn't coincide with any of the festivals so instead they went camping for a fortnight in Wales and visited old castles.