The Last Gamble

Tommy’s father was a notorious crook. “Double-cross me, and it's over, Father,” Tommy warned, leaning on his father’s desk. The mayor smirked, his fingers tracing a stack of dirty cash. “What if I don’t, son?” he taunted. Tommy’s fingers drummed on the desk before his right hand slipped into his pocket, retrieving a series of glossy photographs, each one a jab at the mayor’s confidence. “You’ll be in prison before lunch.” The mayor’s smirk faded. Tommy’s father grinned, knowing he’d just outsmarted the city’s top negotiator.

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Another nice piece, and a nice prompt. A self-centred question however has arisen, mostly unrelated to both, this teller has noticed a habit of himself, with these prompts to never mention the prompt itself by name in the piece. It's probably fine now and again, but us it really healthy to be doing constantly.

The urge to continue in this obtuse manner is deep.

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There’s no need to name the prompt in the piece. If the prompt sparks a story in you just write it, regardless if it contains the word or not

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Don't tempt this teller to get horrifically abstract, with loose inspirations and distant tortured metaphor. You might even invite connections based on puns!

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Sep 9Liked by Miguel S.

This isn’t a negotiation, he screamed. Who the hell do you think you are? You can’t come waltzing in here with those demands. Those were the words of the former Chief Financial Officer, Edwin Fitzgerald (Fitz) Throckmorton VI.

Fitz didn’t yet know; he would soon find out.

The boss, Joseph (Big Joe) Spadoni, and Fitz had met in college, and had started Intergalactic Widgets soon after graduation. Fitz had always been in Big Joe’s shadow, riding his coat tails. With him in the hospital, Fitz saw a chance to control the company.

Big Joe had told me to terminate Fitz.

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Greediness rarely pays off!

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Our working conditions were horrendous.

There were too many of us trying to do our jobs in a confined space, and something had to be done about it.

We needed more room.

The amount of hours we were expected to be toiling away was ridiculous, too, and we weren’t prepared to put up with it any longer.

So a few of us went to voice our concerns, hoping to negotiate for some measures to improve our situation, even if that meant threatening to strike.

And the Queen Bee told us to stop being so foolish, and get back to work… 😎

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100 mg Negotiation

“Go now” he said. “Never again.” She whispered back, not looking away. Remaining calm, appearing bored was essential. No negotiation.

She had cowered and given in many times, the outcome never changed. She needed to eat, but never again. She’d rather die than capture one more mortal for his ‘playtime’. Despite how he promised to let them go, he never did. He’d swat them about like a cat with a mouse, not allowing them to rest until their hearts gave out.

She tucked her wings, refusing to fly, knowing the outcome. Beatings will come. The cage door closed and locked.

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woah... whats going on there!

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Microdose Negotiation 100 Words:

Pappy always said landing a fish was like a negotiation: it was all about the give and take. I never understood what he meant until I saw him wrestle with a Goliath grouper the size of my first four-wheeler. His face was redder than a hot pepper, and he was sweating like he ate one too. I thought maybe he’d have a heart attack — or how he said it, a ‘hard attack’ — ‘till he started the negotiation. He’d let it wear itself down, then when it got closer to the boat, he’d reel in all the line he could get.

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Fabulous essay Miguel!

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Sep 8Liked by Miguel S.

Wrote this in the moments directly following the topic.




“Because you're tired.”

“But I napped!”

“It's time for bed now. Just stay still and close your eyes.”

“But I can't.”

“Lie still.”

“I want to stay up with you.”

Oh, little one. I want to see you discover this world and this life and all its wonders. I want to watch the stars with you. I want to show you the beauty of a sunrise after being up all night.

But the time for that will come. For now, you need rest. Hold your negotiations for now.

“Good night little one. I knew you were tired.”

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Aw. Something about this really hit my feelings. I can imagine telling my kids that I'll gladly stay up all night with them, when they get older .🥹

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Sep 9Liked by Miguel S.

It was a stroke of luck, reading your prompt as I was sitting waiting for him to try and fall asleep. I'd like to think I'd still be able to pull an all-nighter by the time he's old enough to!

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Liked by Miguel S.


"Dude, she doesn’t get out of bed for less than 20 grand."

"I thought it was ten grand?"

"Back in the day. Inflation."

"For a two-day shoot?"

"Approval of every still photo and the final cut."

"Final cut’s ours and she knows it. She’s lucky to get cast at her age."

"Gerolsteiner water in the dressing room."

"What the hell is Gerolsteiner?"

"Evian if necessary. And a bunch of white calla lilies."

"The nerve of this woman! We're done. We’ll take our chances with another washed up celebrity."

"The lilies are the deal breaker? How about a few roses?"

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Liked by Miguel S.

Negotiation 100 mg microfiction

I walked the misty bridge and saw a darkening figure standing on the edge.

“Hey!” my call, muffled by damp air didn't seem to break their reverie.

“Get back! I’m going to jump! I must,” they sobbed.

“If you seek death, I won’t stop you. I know that place. But first, tell me why.”


“Let me stand with you, and tell me your story.”

“Why? Why would you care? Nobody cares!”

“Tell me your story; then hear mine? You’ll change your mind.”

When they finished speaking, my fangs told a story without words as they begged for their life.

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Ewww… creepy but wow!

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thanks! started off differently... the jumper was going to be the vampire but then it seemed a better twist.

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Drake stared down the barrel of a pair of beady brown eyes. He had been negotiating with this worthless bastard for years. Why he kept agreeing to it was a mystery. He’d been lied to. Deceived. Strung along with empty promises. Jesus, the poor guy looked awful. Maybe Drake should cut him some slack.

Drake’s lips moved but the other man started to speak at the same time. Always interrupting his efforts.

Drake leaned in, squinted, looked more closely. Was that a crack or just a streak? He made a note to pick up some Windex, that mirror was filthy.

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clever - I had to read it twice to get it - like it!

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Thx! Man vs himself, right outta 4th grade English class!

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Sep 8·edited Sep 9Liked by Miguel S.

My 100 mg of Negotiation:

Today, Mary sat face to face with the sea. She believes that the sea has the answer for her, it's just a matter of negotiating. That's why she decided to come today on the beach of her childhood.

she sits on the sand, stares out at the immense sea and asks him aloud:

- What are your terms? What do I have to do to lose myself forever, diluted in every molecule of your water?

She believes she has to lose herself forever in the sea, in order to bring back the raw, uncontainable joy that must be part of life..

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this is very mysterious and atmospheric - so many things could be happening - you did very well with just 100 words.

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Sep 8Liked by Miguel S.

This situation is oddly familiar😂

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I love it. Unfortunately, I can't do that with my son. He doesn't play video games. But that would be beautiful!

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Surely there's something to bribe him with, right?

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Thankfully, I don’t need to bribe him that often! 😁

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