Today on Microdosing our prompt is FRESHNESS!
Write a story in 50 words!
Don’t forget to tag me if you follow along with the challenge.
The darkness set in, and my siblings' fangs sharpened, always seeking another artery, addicted to the thrill of the hunt.
Not my thing, though. I prefer to stop at the blood bank, put a straw in the fresh pack of AB negative, and chill at my crybt — Gen Z vampire style.
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A cup of coffee also keeps the creative juices running here in the lab!
January is the time for reflecting and resolving ourselves with a freshness of spirit, of being more awesome, determined, and disciplined. January equals fresh starts. It's a ridiculous idea now. January equals hospice. Grieving death. Loss. Awful loneliness. Emptiness — vast emptiness. Freshness of death's heartbreak. Freshness of anguish. Every year.