Rise up, you magnificent trailblazers! Rise up and vote! Let the fire of rebellion and freedom fighters burn in your bellies, their courage flowing through your veins. The spirit of 1920 and 1965 lives on, unsilenced and unsidelined. Forward into a new day where every voice is heard, every vote counts, every American stands tall and free. Keep fighting, dreaming, voting until everybody's free. Hold the line!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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We met under the narrow bridge, where the river cuts east - a handful of known dissidents.

No email. No texts. Strictly word of mouth for this final operation.

“Sasha”, knew incendiaries, “Cav” was the money, and I…was the deliverer.

We fulfilled our obligation:

Full Governmental Reset.

Now…there’s Nothing left to function.

No parchment. No judges. No congress.

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Thank you for joining in Sydney !

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From the shadows of a flawed system, the repressed watched for weaknesses, building up strength.

As they wash over fortifications in a furious tide, the enemy brings out chemicals. When that fails, they go nuclear. The rebels are turned into shredded piles that float away on noxious fumes.


The heaps stir and tumble, as surviving cancer cells climb free.

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Jul 25Liked by Miguel S.

Henry loved running, long distances.

His hero was the famous, Henry Rono, also from Kenya, who in 1978, set four world records in an 81-day span. Henry dreamed that one day he would be a famous runner.

He had just turned ten, soon they Army would come get him and make him fight in the rebellion. Yet he still dreamt.

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We had to do something.

We couldn’t just let things stay the way they were.

It was time to make a stand, and fight for what we believed in.

We’d been oppressed for too long, but hopefully, not for much longer.

In the morning, we were going to tell our parents we wanted to stay up later from now on… 😎

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Stop your racket over freedom, your rebellions over human rights and democracy. They are First World problems.

Now, a revolution for food, a rebellion of knowledge and a fight against crushing poverty - that’s something i could sign up for.

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Jul 24Liked by Miguel S.

I'd gotten tired of fighting against a penchant passed from the first mother to me, but father said it was selfish, against nature. And didn't care how many women before his women had followed through, devouring the men in their life. He had felled my mother and would fell me too, ending the line. And then the arsenic kicked in.

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They called the march an act of rebellion. “It’s a march against the Vietnam war!” They shouted “No more war!”

They asked Mother Theresa to come march with them and she said no. “ I will never attend an anti-war rally; if you have a peace rally, invite me”.

Mother Theresa knew the power of choosing to be pro peace.

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True story!

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The tiny rag-tag force discretely infiltrated the northeast corner of Oberstadt on France's German border. In their rebellion against evil, they knew their orders. They were prepared, competent, and ready for their critical task at hand — assassinate the German general overseeing France's invasion. These French elite fighters must prevail. Their success means saving their beloved France and their fellow citizens.

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Rebellion burned in her blood. A blow must be struck, not for her, but for those many thousands, nay millions, like her. This was where the resistance started, where finally someone would have the courage to take the first step and say NO! Enough is enough!

She held out nearly till bedtime. Those green beans didn’t taste any better cold.

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Jul 25Liked by Miguel S.


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Jul 24Liked by Miguel S.

Rebel with a cause

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