Prompt: 60mg of a Slasher

The road home was dark, and even worse, wet. As he sloshed through the puddles, defeat had finally washed over him. His body shuddered from the cold as a pair of arms gripped onto him from behind. He tried to fight – really he did – but he was haunted by the image of slashed car tires until they faded into darkness.

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Prompt: 60mg of Slasher

Ready to get off the chairlift, offload slope coming up to meet my board, I place my back foot down and ride off, strap-in and glide to my favorite run, Upper Peacemaker. Double black diamond that scares people, so it’s untouched. Steep. Perfectly spaced trees. Wind-loaded snow on a foot of fresh. Powder slasher engage. This is where I belong.

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The two women glared at each other.

"How did this start?" asked the detective.

"Her husband slashed our tyres!" said one.

"Well he poisoned our dog!"

"Only because he kicked our cat!"

"It shit in our garden!"

"that's OUR garden!"

"No! He moved the fence..."

They were silenced as their husbands' bodies were wheeled past in black bags.

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As she turned into the dark alley, the footsteps behind her were getting closer.

Fear and panic set in.

She was being followed, just like in a slasher movie.

Instinctively, she began wildly dispersing pepper spray.

“Jesus Christ!” said her pursuer, coughing and spluttering, “I was just trying to give you your phone back. You left it in the bar…” 😎

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I lodged my axe between the naked blonde “women’s” blue eyes. I stepped on her chest, and a jet of blood splashed my face as I jerked the blade out of her skull. The thing whimpered and collapsed to the ground; blood gushed onto the wooden floor. There’s 8.2 billion ”people” on Earth. This isn’t murder - it’s population control.

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She called it love but it was actually an obsession. Her mind was plagued with thoughts of him.

So she stood in front of his house waiting. Waiting to make him hers.

When he opened the door, a glint of steel. An urgent slash across his warm flesh.

Then she held him with trembling hands and kissed the pain away.

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thats great! 60 words is really tough!

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Thank you! Always love a good challenge!

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Carefully, one by one. He had only one choice each and every time.

Isolate, corner, stab. Find another, repeat the cycle. Until they were all gone, or at least, until only one remained.

But then what would he do, if none were left?

So, he isolated and cornered, but let her go. She found new friends; a new cycle began.

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Sep 13Liked by Miguel S.

The sign outside the butcher shop said: Prices Slashed.

With the price of everything skyrocketing since World War III, Stan decided to see what deals they had. Inside was the usual long glass case. There were some odd-looking cuts of meat he’d never seen before. As he approached, he realized they weren’t just slashing prices. They were selling human meat.

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60 mg slasher - ( inspired by a real photo shoot a friend participated in wishing I could share the resulting art…)

She was dressed, ready for the shoot. Tight wife-beater shirt, torn jeans. An axe stood on the cement beside her leg, its handle reached her mid thigh. Rust colored stains across her chest, she donned the thick black gloves. “Let’s make this real now.” He laughed sotto voce, “grab the axe, he’ll be the slasher, the blood isn’t real enough”

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I posted a note on my stack that shows the actual photos. 🫣

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I saw. Badass 😂

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My 60mg of a Slasher:

With slow, silent steps, like someone walking on clouds, John stealthily approached the sleeping adults. Then, with sharp blows to the carotid artery, he drained every last drop of their blood. Who would have thought that John, the blond, smiling, cheeky child who had just posed on his parents' laps to take a photo, had so much monstrosity inside him?

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its going to be a real struggle not to make this horrible

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Feel free to make it horrible haha.

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Criminal or villianous couples are very odd, but just as a mass murderer can love dogs and treat them well, so a Bonnie her Clyde. Of course, you can just as easily have a mess like Joker and Quinn.

A piece with a nicely horrific punchline.

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Thank you!

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This is a great Theme for Friday 13th! There's been so many good slasher films. The 'Halloween' series is fantastic, of course. And the 'Scream' series. 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' was really good, too. And 'Happy Death Day' is a more recent one that was fun and very clever... 😎

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Happy Death Day was fun, the second one was kinda meh. I know what… is good but the third one was also kinda lame.

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That's the trouble with sequels. They're rarely as good. They make quite a few jokes about that in the 'Scream' series. But of course, most of their sequels are good! Haha... 😎

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Slasher-burner Brazilian jungle mongers touch torch the pristine canapés delight to cut medicinal magic microcosms down to dusty dirty clouds choking on hamburgers ; satisfy appetites, but leave behind baked bean waters and dead indigenous in a stream of piraña fresh blood.

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oooof! harsh.

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🤣 Brilliant

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Alex strode into his cosplay club Halloween party in his assigned costume. Took in the array of knife killers assembled: Michael, Freddy, Jason, granddaddy of them all Norman Bates.

Feeling a draft wearing only a trenchcoat and nothing else, he looked, more closely, at the slip of paper designating his disguise. He swore to use his reading glasses next year

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thats hilarious ! well done!

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