Our prompt for today is snow
Write a story in 60 words!
To join in on the challenge, leave a comment or restack the story with our own!
“Mommy! What is that falling white thing?” Jamie asked.
Jamie’s mom looked out the window. “Oh, that’s snow, honey,”
“SNOW?!” Jamie asked, his tiny face pressed against the glass, jaw on the floor.
“Yes, honey. Snow,” she ruffled his hair, smiling
He bent his neck, pinning his eyes to the sky.
“Where did it come from? Did someone’s pillow pop in the sky?”
She shivered. Her clothes fit only for sunshine.
‘It shouldn’t be cold here.’
But it was and it would be, forever and ever.
Amen, the clouds thundered silently in the fungus-coloured sky, and the first heavy flakes fell, big, white and sloppy, millions upon millions of them. She lay down in the whiteness, eyes closed, spread-eagled. The last snow angel.
When I awoke this morning,
I saw snow out today.
It's blocking the road
And clogs up the pathways.
But snow isn't all bad,
It's good for cold play,
Like snowshoeing and skiing,
So I guess snow's okay.
But I long for the days
Of warm sunshine and hay,
So for now you are welcome,
But please, snow, don't stay.