The Compass Tinkerer

Little Harry Pinkledink was a compass tinkerer. Within the walls of his itsy bitsy shop (inside of a giant’s shoe), he would pinkle and dinkle away on the many broken compasses the villagers left with him.

All the while, he day dreamed of revenge. He envisioned all the inhabitants of Dinkydoo dying in a great fire as he watched from the skies, atop his trained eagle, Kawmadore. The sounds of the screaming from below would send him into an erotic fugue.

“Soon,” he whispered to his pet caterpillar, Mr. Squishypants. “So very soon…”

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I don't know what this is, but I want more of it.

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Take my hand,

I can’t promise you that I’ll guide you to salvation,

but I will help you to find your path.

He, he who was once so broken

little boy lost,

standing upon the shoulders of giants

searching for direction,

heart a compass,

led blindly by hope.

Journeys are often tedious,

but made tolerable

by a loving hand,

united as they embark upon

roads less travelled

whispering of undiscovered adventures,

excitement within your heart.

I can’t promise you, my love,

that we won’t come across obstacles,

that dead ends may send us back miles,

but, as long as you want me

as long as you need me

I promise, to be your companion along this road called life.

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Amazing as always. So much beauty in so few words.

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Beautifully done. That captures the essence of what it's like to journey through life with someone perfectly... 😎

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Thank you so much ❤️

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All systems had been go. No glitches. No holds. The launch of the bright chartreuse rocket and spacecraft had been robust, absolutely picture perfect. But once the Saturn spacecraft separated, hell broke loose. No speed control. No compass. Maneuverability became treacherous. The capsule ventured off course with a malfunctioning compass. The capsule was now under control of a mysterious and fanatical force. The capsule would spin, then tumble. The compass, too, was possessed. The situation for the five-man crew of the ‘Rings of Freedom’ was extremely dire. Was death certain?

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Jun 24Liked by Miguel S.

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He had no moral compass inside him whatsoever.

He was selfish, and greedy, with a complete disregard for how anyone else was feeling or how his decisions would affect them.

And this was why we’d decided he would be absolutely perfect, to be the new leader of our political party… 😎

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