He was flying towards the Moon.

Basking in its glow, as it loomed large and grew bigger in front of his eyes the closer he got to it.

Soon, he would be on the surface, jumping around and leaving his prints behind.

It was going to be magical.

Until, they made an announcement that he’d done well and it was time to come home, and the space rocket started turning around.

And he was left barking mournfully out the window, as the Moon faded away into the distance behind him… 😎

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"Goodnight Moon"

I stared at the night sky in astonishment. Luna dissolved into the darkness. Night swallowed my porch - it was darker than the Mariana Trench and colder than Antarctica. My puggle Melvin howled at the moonless sky. I patted Melvin’s blonde creviced head, but that failed to comfort him. What happened? An icy wind rolled over me. The ground trembled, and Melvin jumped onto my lap, shaking, his howls grew louder as the house shook. Horrified, I clutched Melvin to my chest. The calamity abruptly stopped. Did Bakunawa swallow the moon?

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It could be the obvious, it could be something else, a idea that would come to many a mind, but there's never shame to that, the important thing, is that it's well done.

A traditional piece of Luna, captured in text.

This teller will do his own a little later, and would be well pleased if it came out as well as yours.

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“What is closer, the Moon or Vegas? I can see the Moon from here, but not Vegas.”

“Which moon?

“What? Our moon. La Luna.”

“Yeah, which one? The round meatball? The titty? The toenail clipping?”

“That’s all just one moon. It lights up different parts on different days.”

The boss could take no more. “You guys know the Moon, yes there’s just one, does not generate light. That glow is caused by sunlight reflecting on the Moon’s surface.”

The boys gave that one a good long ponder.

“Agree to disagree.”

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You've got a knack writing dumb wiseguy scenes!

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