Picture it: A dude's apartment, more takeout boxes than furniture. Our hero? A human vacuum cleaner with a PhD in couch potato-ing. Neighbors whisper, "Is he building a fort out of pizza boxes?" Plot twist! Garden invite slides under the door. He thinks, "Vegetables? That's what they eat." But hey, desperate times.

Suddenly, he's elbow-deep in dirt, talking to tomatoes. Who knew? Growing stuff is addictive. Now he's the kale whisperer, and his only six-pack is the friends he made. Take that, delivery apps!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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Love this! It made me chuckle in the best way.

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My wife wanted a gluttonous Haiku about 🍪

Only a sick person

Smells a batch of fresh cookies

And doesn’t want one

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Anthony sat palms down on the table, the growling of his stomach a staunching reminder of the last three days without food. It fought against the grating voice of the competition’s presenter, creating a cacophony in his already muddled mind.

The bell rang.

He shovelled in the hot dog, barely touching the sides of his throat, swallowing it whole. On he continued, one after the next; dipping the blanched bread into a pint of frothy root beer.

Six, nine, eleven.

The dough fell heavy into his empty stomach; but still he continued - dipping, swallowing, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

Seventeen, nineteen, twenty-fou…

The world began to tilt and swerve, faces fading in and phasing out.

Reaching for the next bun, he stopped, stopped over the flimsy picnic table; brought the entire thing down beneath him as he lay atop out cold, stomach still growling with fury.

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Jun 23Liked by Miguel S.

No fear! Captain Gluttony is here to save you…from yourselves.

The Captain is prepared to take on any meal deemed too big, any leftovers deemed too left over, and any cake deemed to have one tier too many.

He will eat it so you don’t have to. He might even eat it before you get a chance to.

It’s more than a battle of wills against the Calorific Scourge. It’s a battle of life and death. Captain Gluttony will possibly die so you can live.

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Reminded me of Bruce Bogtrotter!

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Very enjoyable.

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I really like this trend of words lately! Good Job!

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It’s coming to an end tomorrow but I enjoyed putting this together

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Jun 22Liked by Miguel S.

Lest we forget about red velvet 😂

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Just one more piece of chocolate, she told herself.

But it wasn’t long before the whole bar was gone.

So she started on the cakes next, scoffing down one after another until she was fed up with them.

Then it was on to the biscuits.

Which she was just about to tear open, when the supermarket staff finally caught up with her and made it very clear she was going to have to pay for all the food she’d eaten… 😎

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Great ending!!

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Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. This was a fun one to work on. I've been really enjoying this week of 'Seven Deadly Sins' stories... 😎

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