There were ten clowns standing by the side of the road, waving for help.

They said their van had broken down and they desperately needed to get to the circus.

I told them I’d love to help, but there was no way I was going to fit ten clowns in my tiny car.

Or at least, I thought there wasn’t… 😎

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I love this microfiction so much. It’s really helping me grow as a writer and is even starting to inspire my painting and drawing. Thank you for Everything, Miguel!

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What a great roundup. Pleased to be part of it.

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What an amazing collection to catch up on after a month away on a cycling adventure. I cannot wait to be inspired by my fellow writers. And what a brilliant prompt (though don't tell Mrs Feasts, she hates clowns!).

Bob, you clown (flash fiction - 60 words)

“Let yourself in, Bob”. His boss sounded light-hearted, his ‘hectoring bully’ suppressed. The invitation had confused him but you don’t turn down Hal Oberstein. Bob hated dressing up but fancy dress was mandatory. The clown outfit was good so maybe he’d be in the in-crowd for once. Then the wave of laughter from formally-attired colleagues washed away that forlorn hope.

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Thank you Miguel. I should have written how much I quickly embraced this publication from the beginning but I might get too cringey so yeah... I hope you continue to inspire more people through the microdosing you fun raccoon 😊

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I’m really blessed to get so much support from you 🥺

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Microdosing — 60mg of a Clown

Clown Coco, cool, callow.

Coco calls, crows "Caw-caw!"

Coco carts colorful cans.

Cans clank, clunk, clang.

Clown Coco carries cans, climbs cliff.

Cliff collapses! Clown cascades, crashes.

Coco cracks crown, cries.

Crows console Coco, "Caw-caw, clown."

Clown Coco collects cans, carries on.

Courageous clown Coco overcomes …..







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Amazing! And again, very innovative. The alliteration works so well! 😎

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Now that’s a tongue-twister! Fun 🤩

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Thanks. I love Alliteration! The repetition of the ‘c’ sound throughout creates a rhythmic and engaging cadence. It’s a unique way to really enhance storytelling in a zany way.

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My restack —

Have you checked out "The Batch of Microdoses #22" from The Fiction Dealer?

It's pretty amazing what these writers can do with just a few sentences. Miguel S., the guy behind it all, has really built something special here. This week was huge - Miguel had more submissions than ever before.

What I really relish about this whole thing is how the writers interact. They're not just posting their own creations - they're reading each other's work, giving feedback, cheering each other on. It's heartening to see.

Miguel keeps coming up with these prompts that push everyone to try new things. It's like a workout for your creativity.

If you're into writing - or even if you just like reading short, punchy stories - you should really check it out. Who knows? Maybe you'll end up submitting something yourself. It's a fun crowd to hang out with.

@Miguel S.

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Microdosing with Miguel S. -- 60 words for CLOWN

The clamor of students reconnecting created a cacophony that pulsed. Strobed like the twinkle of fireflies in the forest. Or like the fluttering of nerves inside her.

Tessa wiped sweat from her palms. The well-worn fabric was soft, comforting. She glanced down. Her plain dress looked drab–out of place–compared to the t-urbanites and their clown-like fashions.

Homesickness washed over her.


Alrighty, Miguel, at first I wasn't sure I'd be able to find a way to use CLOWN within the FORGED series world. But I did it! Thanks for the challenge.

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Thanks for mentioning me!

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Thanks for joining in!

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Aug 3Liked by Miguel S.

The sad orange clown is sad. He left his bag of tricks and costume on the ride to nowhere.

His wig is gone so he has to fashion something out of whatever is left on his head.

His red nose is gone so he has to do without.

The sad clown has no need for a smile.

The show goes on…

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Thanks for including me, Miguel!

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Thanks for the shoutout, Miguel!

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I am surprised and honored to see my name listed with all these great stories. Thank you for all the work you do setting these up. I love the idea of using micro fiction to flesh out bigger stories.

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Great story Miguel. Loving the nod to Derry’s famous subterranean resident 🤡

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Giggles had disappeared on benders before but never like this. He had been missing for three days. What kind of circus didn’t have a clown? And at the height of the busy summer peak. If that wasn’t bad enough the other main attraction, the king of the jungle, was out of sorts. Until he coughed up a gigantic red hairball.

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Doh! 🫣😂

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Thanks for the nod and for managing all of this.

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